Rebecca Wyn Kelly

Participating in We Live With The Land

Rebecca Wyn Kelly is a Welsh speaking artist that creates large-scale, site-responsive installations and sculptures. Her connection to the land and her individual sense of place is fundamental to her work. She aims to visualise the cultural, political and economic challenges that face isolated communities like the one she grew up in.

Her ambition is to create graceful and compassionate work which exposes the constant threat of communities on the brink of unravelling. She wants to reiterate the fragility and vulnerability of rural people and their communities. Her work must be accessible to the people it represents. This is why she chose to install in remote locations, preferably outdoors, with the landscape as a backdrop. She seeks to heighten the audience's engagement with the work and their physical and cultural environment.

To participate in nature, we must also absorb the history of human connection to the land. When we observe a landscape, it's not just the elements at play. The vitality of the people who have drifted through feeds into our response. It's about humans connecting. Finding synergy between nature, my work and themselves.

UNESCO supported Rebecca to create a permanent sculpture in Unnerud in Denmark. Wales Arts International funded a 'Silence Awareness Existence' residency in Finland. Cadw recently supported the research, development, and delivery of an exhibition at Strata Florida Abbey and Aberarth Beach entitled 'Genis Loci'. Rebecca was also selected for the 'Blaguro' project at Yr Egin, a connect and flourish project. The work 'LLonydd' was also chosen by Marc Rees for The Arts Council of Wales's "Pethau Bychain" campaign.

Watch: Artist Talk

Read: Blog


Paul Croft


Linda Davies